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- Clínica dental Madrid dr. Estévez | dentista | Madrid
With more than 20 years of experience and with a common goal: to make our patients smile. For this we have a team of professionals with solid professional training, but mainly, people with a high motivation to make our dental treatments a success and restore the smile to our patients. Dental Clinic in Madrid Dr. Estévez Dental implant Veneer Dental anti snoring We finance your treatment At Dr. Estévez dental clinic we finance your treatment! Dental implants with 20% discounts. Quality dentistry at a good price. Don't let it go! The Madrid Dental Clinic of Dr. Estévez works with the main insurance companies dentales, as well as offers special prices to employees of the Municipal Transport Company (EMT), IMSERSO, among others, in order to provide our clients with the best solution . These are some of our dental insurance: Caser, Sersanet, Aegon, Fraternidad, Oral Pirma, Segur Dental Plus, Santa Lucia, HNA, AXA, Racc Seguros, Stonebridge, Almudena Seguros, Alianza Española and Seguros Bilbao.
- Clínica dental en Madrid Dr. Estévez | extracción muela del juicio
Extraction of the third molar surgery third molarsIt is the most frequent surgical technique performed in the oral cavity if we except for extractions of erupted teeth. But this does not mean that it can be said that it is an elementary intervention or one with a low profile of difficulty. Its range of clinical variability and potential complications reach the most extreme limits. Many patients require the removal of their third molars, also known as wisdom teeth. Like any surgical procedure, there are some risks and complications. The decision on the extraction of the third molar must be decided by the patient and his dentist. Is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are a valuable asset to the mouth when they are healthy and well positioned. Often, problems arise that require its removal. When the maxilla is not large enough to accommodate the wisdom teeth, causing malalignment. Wisdom teeth can grow sideways, emerge only part way through the gum, or remain trapped under the gum and bone. General recommendations for the extraction of third molars: When the wisdom teeth only partially erupt. When there is a chance that misaligned wisdom teeth will damage the adjacent teeth. When a cyst forms, it can damage surrounding structures, such as bone roots of teeth. The most cause of wisdom teeth extractions is that the mouth is too small for them to erupt normally behind the second molars in a good position. This can cause the following situations: 1. When the wisdom teeth are completely covered by the bone. In this situation it will remain completely covered with its "developmental pocket", this pocket can undergo change and develop a cyst. This cyst will enlarge at the expense of the jaw bone. These cysts must be removed and_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_examined by a pathologist. 2. When the wisdom teeth are partially impacted, they start to come out, but are not able to fully erupt. In this situation, the upper third molars are usually placed towards the cheek, while the lower third molars are generally tipped forward, causing decay and periodontal disease around the second molar. The most common complication of partial bone impaction is that the flap of gum tissue that partially covers the third molar eruption creates a pocket where bacteria that are present in the mouth can grow and cause an infection known as pericoronitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the gum that surrounds the retained tooth. Inflammation and infection can become very serious. The treatment for pericoronitis is the extraction of the third molar. Some dentists believe that wisdom teeth can push the other teeth in the mouth forward and cause crowding of the front teeth. From our point of view, it is one more factor, not the most decisive. The risks and complications of third molar extraction are as follows: PAIN: The extraction of third molars can cause some discomfort and pain. This is normally treated with pain medication. INFECTION: Due to the large number of bacteria present in the mouth, post-surgical infection is always possible. It is necessary for the dentist to prescribe antibiotics to the patient to prevent the development of infections. SWELLING: After surgery patients may experience swelling and bruising. These symptoms vary between patients. BLEEDING: Some post-operative bleeding is considered normal. This is usually minimal and is easily controlled by biting down on a gauze pad. Most wisdom teeth can be removed with local anesthesia alone, but many people prefer sedation during surgery. Risks and complications of third molar extraction: Upper third molars have roots that are often separated from the maxillary sinuses by only a very thin layer of bone. Occasionally, a small communication is established between the sinus and the oral cavity when the upper third molars are extracted. If this happens, the normal procedure is to close by suture, the patient must be informed of the incidence, prescribe antibiotics and decongestants. Mandibular third molars in some cases have roots that lie very close to or even wrapped around the inferior alveolar nerve. This is the nerve that provides sensation to the lips, teeth, and tongue on each side of the mouth. Occasionally when a mandibular third molar is removed, that nerve can be struck or bruised, this can cause a loss of sensation on that side. It is important to know that this is a sensory nerve and does not affect the ability to move the parts of the oral cavity that it gives sensation to. In most cases, the nerve heals slowly, it may take six months to a year before normal sensation returns. Very rarely, nerve damage is permanent.
- Clinica dental en Madrid Dr. Estevez | dentistas de madrid
Webmaster Login The Dentists of the Madrid Dental Clinic Dr. Estévez With more than 20 years of experience and with a common goal: to make our patients smile. For this we have a team of professionals with solid professional training, but mainly, people with a high motivation to make our dental treatments a success and restore the smile to our patients. We cover all specialties with a trained staff to offer you the best result. We invite you to come to our dental clinic to find a solution to your dental problem. GENERAL DENTIST AND IMPLANTOLOGIST DR. JOSÉ ESTÉVEZ GENAO Collegiate number: 28005114 Doctorate in Dentistry from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) Doctoral thesis "Application of cryosurgery in the treatment of mucoceles" Master in Orthodontics at the European Center of Orthodontics. Master in Implantology, dictated by Drs. Mariano Sanz and José de Rábago, (March 16, 2001 to January 19, 2002) Member of the Spanish Implant Society (SEI) Member of the Spanish Society of Periodontics and Osseointegration (SEPA) Extensive training in the field of surgery and implantology, thanks to multiple courses taken and extensive experience in cases treated and resolved satisfactorily for our patients. ORTHODONTIST DR. Mª ROSA BERZAL RED Collegiate number: 28006034 Degree in Dentistry from the Alfonso X El Sabio University of Madrid. Masters Degree in Orthodontics from the Alfonso X El Sabio University of Madrid. Member of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics (SEDO) Member of the Spanish Association of Orthodontics (AESOR) Invisalign Course 2009 Master Damon 2011 Perfect aligner specialist (transparent splints) In addition, he has extensive training in the field of orthodontics, with numerous courses taken. PEDIATRIC DENTIST DR. ELENA CORREA RANCEL Collegiate number: 28006837 Degree in Dentistry from the European University of Madrid (UEM). Member of the Spanish Pediatric Dentistry Society (SEOP) Masters Degree in Pediatric Dentistry at the Hospital de San Rafael in Madrid. Master of Orthodontics at the Alfonso X El Sabio University of Madrid Member of the Spanish Orthodontic Society (SEDO) Currently, Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the European University of Madrid (UEM). ASSISTANT Aidin Victoria Sansossio AUXILIAR ILIANNE HECHAVARRIA NAVARRO
- Clínica dental Madrid dr. Estévez | Estética dental | Madrid
Dental Aesthetics in Madrid Dental aesthetics is a very important specialty in Dentistry, since we not only have the objective of curing, but also of doing it with a harmonious criterion with the rest of the healthy teeth and also with their face, so that the patient will feel much more satisfied. Nowadays, it is a fact that more and more patients demand solutions in dental aesthetics when it comes to solving their health problems. We are aware of this reality and offer our patients the most avant-garde treatments in aesthetic dental techniques. We have innovative materials of very good quality, studied and tested, so that the result is totally satisfactory. The pieces are designed with a fully customized computer program for each piece, bridge or veneer, providing a precise fit and good resistance. The techniques performed to improve the smile are, among others: Ceramic veneers. Ceramic inlays. Zirconium bridge. Metal-free crowns. Aesthetic fillings. Crowns of zirconium. At the Dr. Estévez Dental Clinic we have the best medical equipment and state-of-the-art materials that guarantee the success of any of our aesthetic dental treatments. We are one of the reference dental clinics in Madrid in dental aesthetics. We will carefully study your case to provide you with a smile according to your face in such a way that the result is totally natural and harmonious. Call us and make an appointment with us! Contact us
- Treatments | clinicaestevez
Our Dental Treatments Dental implants Thanks to dental implants we can replace missing teeth in partially or totally edentulous patients... Orthodontics Orthodontics is the specialty within dentistry responsible for the study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental malposition... pediatric dentistry The pediatric dentist (children's dentist) will therefore be in charge of exploring and treating the patient... Teeth whitening Many factors influence the color of the teeth, intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Among the extrinsic, we can highlight eating habits (coffee, tea, soft drinks, wine, etc.) Root canal Endodontics is the study of the morphology, physiology, and pathology of the dental pulp and periradicular tissues... Dental Aesthetics Dental aesthetics is a very important specialty in Dentistry, since we not only have the objective of curing, but also of doing it with a harmonious criterion with the rest of the healthy teeth and also with your face... periodontics Periodontics is responsible for diagnosing, preventing and treating diseases that affect the structure of the teeth... Offers and discounts Cases and Videos
- Clínica dental Madrid dr. Estévez | ¿Cuándo llevar por primera vez a mi hijo al dentista?
When should I take my child to the dentist for the first time? It is recommended that children go to the dentist when their first milk teeth begin to appear, after 6 months, although there is no rule. It is important to make a thorough diagnosis and a treatment plan. Some dentists like to see children every 6 months to prevent cavities and other problems from developing. It also increases confidence towards the dentist. The first visit to the dentist is usually short and involves very little treatment. This visit gives your child a chance to meet the dentist. It is important that parents do not enter the dental office during the review to create a relationship of trust between the child and the dentist. Except in those cases in which the children are very young, and they can help, the child will sit on top of his father or mother and thus the review will be carried out. Milk teeth do not remain in the mouth forever. They begin to fall from 6 or 7 years of age to give way to permanent teeth,_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_but it is still important to keep the milk teeth in good health, because these will be replaced by the permanent teeth that they will occupy left. During the checkup, the dentist will check all of your child's existing teeth, examine the bite, and may detect possible gum problems, abnormal jaw development, and the oral tissues. If indicated, the dentist or hygienist will clean the teeth and assess the need for fluoride. It is important to teach your child to brush their teeth at least twice a day, use non-fluoridated toothpaste, until the child knows how to spit out the toothpaste. The dentist also has a duty to educate parents about the basics of oral health for children and address some important issues such as: Good oral hygiene practices for your child's teeth and gums and the prevention of cavities. Need to apply fluoride. Oral habits (thumb sucking, tongue sticking out, lip smacking). Developmental milestones. teething Proper nutrition.
- Consejos para una buena higiene bucal | Clínica Dental Dr. Estévez | Madrid
Some tips for the hygiene of your patients: 1. TO THEDENTIST , ONCE A YEAR. And from a very early age, since caries can manifest itself from the moment the first tooth comes out. 2. THREE TIMES A DAY. It is the frequency of brushing, after each meal. Essential before going to bed and after getting up in the morning. 3. THE TOOTHPASTE, WITH FLUORIDE. Fluoride toothpastes help us prevent the appearance of cavities.. 4. CHANGE THE WAY YOU BRUSH. Correct brushing consists of making short, smooth and elliptical movements, without forgetting the gum line, the back teeth, the areas around the crowns of the teeth and those with fillings. 5. _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b3b-CAMBILOc5CAMBILOc5. Experts recommend renewing the toothbrush every three months to avoid periodontal diseases. 6._CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B-13BAD5CF58D__CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B-13BAd5CF58D__CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B-136BAD5CF58D__C781905-5CDE-31 The best time is at night, the absence of salivation while sleeping favors the formation of plaque. 7. RINSE. Mouthwashes are an aid when it comes to keeping your mouth healthy and avoiding infections. 8. FOLLOW A HEALTHY DIET. It also helps to strengthen the immune system so that it can defend itself against any infection in the oral cavity. 9. _cc781905-5cde-3194-bbd5c1CAD5CUDLES AUDLES. If you can't brush your teeth, use sugar-free gum or oral hygiene sheets. 10. DO NOT ABUSE THE BLEACHERS. When used excessively and continuously, they can damage the enamel.
- Clínica dental Madrid dr. Estevez | dolor de muela y sus sintomas
Toothache and its symptoms In general, pain is a protective response that ranges from minor sensitivity to severe pain and informs the body that something is wrong. Tooth pain, which is caused by a reaction of the nerves within the pulp chamber of a tooth, with severity depending on the type and degree of the stimulus. What follows are some examples of symptoms you may be experiencing and their possible causes. Symptom: Sensitivity to hot or cold foods and liquids. Possible problem: If the discomfort lasts only a few minutes, tenderness is generally not a sign of a serious problem. It can be caused by, a small cavity in a tooth, a loose filling, or an exposed root surface, resulting from receding gums and possibly toothbrush abrasion. . What to do: If the root surface is sensitive, keep it clean and free of dental plaque. Use a soft toothbrush, cleaning very gently at the gum line. Try to use toothpaste that contains fluoride for sensitive teeth. You can even try using toothpaste as an ointment. If sensitivity persists, consult your dentist. Symptom: Sensitivity to hot or cold foods after dental treatment. Possible problem: Dental treatment can cause tooth sensitivity due to inflammation of the dental pulp tissues. What to do: This sensitivity can last a few days, however if the cavity has recently been removed or a filling or crown has been placed, a tooth may take a week or two to settle. You can take mild pain relievers such as paracetamol. If pain persists or worsens, see your dentist. Symptom: Sharp pain when biting into food. Possible problem: cavities, a loose filling and / or a broken tooth are possible causes. What to do: Consult a dentist to diagnose the problem before the pain worsens. The decay will need to be removed, and the loose filling replaced by your dentist. If the pain is caused by pulp tissue damage, your dentist can refer you to an endodontist Symptoms: Persistent pain after eating hot or cold foods and liquids. Possible problem: This probably means that the nerve is inflamed and/or dead, and may be irreversible, usually as a result of deep decay or physical trauma. What to do: See your dentist or endodontist to diagnose the problem before the pain becomes severe due to the development of an abscess. The tooth likely to need a root canal to remove dead pulp tissue to save the tooth. Symptom: Dull pain and pressure in the upper teeth and sinus area of one or both sides. Possible problem: Pain felt in the sinus area of the face is often associated with the upper back teeth, since they share the same nerves. The source of this "referred" pain can therefore be difficult to determine. Therefore, sinus pain can feel like tooth pain, and vice versa. That's why nasal congestion from a cold or the flu can cause pain in your upper teeth. In addition, it is also important to determine if clenching or grinding is a factor, since they too cause similar symptoms. What to do: See your dentist or endodontist to find out if the symptoms are related to the teeth, if not, you may need to see your doctor. Symptom: Sharp, constant pain in one area, but it's hard to tell exactly which tooth is causing the problem. Potential problem: Pulp tissue inside a tooth with acute infection, inflammation, and death. This is usually in response to nerve damage. What to do: See your dentist or endodontist immediately for a complete exam. Once the problematic tooth is isolated, a root canal treatment is performed to remove the infected pulp tissue. If left untreated, the pain can get worse. Symptom: Constant pain and severe pressure, inflammation of the gum and sensitivity to touch. Possible problem: A tooth may have an infection/abscess that has spread from the pulp into the surrounding periodontal tissues and bone. What to do: See your dentist or endodontist immediately. This type of treatment is likely to be required.
- Clínica Dental Madrid Dr. Estévezl | Endodoncia | Madrid
Endodontics in Madrid Endodontics is the study of the morphology, physiology, and pathology of the dental pulp and periradicular tissues. It is in charge of diagnosing, preventing and treating pulpal diseases and injuries, as well as related periradicular states. In summary, endodontics is the procedure that is performed to preserve a tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted. The objective is the elimination of the vascular-nervous package (nerve) dental to avoid pain to the patient. This treatment is performed on fractured teeth, deep cavities, etc. It is advisable to place crowns to avoid subsequent fractures. We use a safe, effective and very simple method, using rotary preparation systems, apex locator, a three-dimensional and thermoplastic filling or filling, advanced digital images (digital radiography). We do it in all types of dental pieces: Unirradicular. Biradicular. Multirooted. Situations in which an endodontics is necessary: Fractures, prostheses or fissures, when the need for treatment is justified by the degree of involvement of the tooth. Strong pain that meets the characteristics of the endodontic process to treat the nerve. Necrosis, a condition that affects the pulp tissue and requires the removal of the remains of bacterial or necrotic tissue. At the Dr. Estévez Dental Clinic we use the latest technologies in endodontics and digital radiology to ensure that the treatment is perfect and long-lasting. Call us if you need a root canal! Contact us
- Ofertas tratamientos dentales | Madrid | barrio del pilar
We finance your treatment! Dental implants with 20% discounts. Don't miss it! 10% discounts for families! Improve your dental health as a family. Try the rechargeable brushes in our dental clinic
- clínica dental en Madrid dr. Estévez | contacto
For any questions, questions or to make an appointment: Do not hesitate to contact us! I accept the terms and conditions Send Your message has been sent successfully Plaza de Arteijo 1, ground floor 2 28029 Madrid- Spain In front of CC la Vaguada Pilar neighborhood subway Telephone: 917390368 WhatsApp: 695966596